
The WorkPac Story

From positive energy program to a platform that makes employees proud to be part of our company

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GiveBack started as a solution for The WorkPac Group—Australia’s largest privately-owned recruitment firm, formed in 1998. As a nationwide company, we have always focused on increasing socio-economic contributions into regional and rural areas through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives under our Positive Energy Program. Over the years, three specific challenges around our CSR emerged.

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  1. It was difficult to capture and record our initiatives, contributors, recipients and measure the value of these efforts.
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  1. It became increasingly important to articulate our company’s social purpose, contributions and results in bids and tenders.


  1. We needed a way to track our CSR growth targets and recognise and support our employees driving the initiatives at the grassroots level.

In 2018, Operations Manager James Smart was tasked with finding a solution.

GiveBack was born

At the time, WorkPac was considering implementing Workplace from Meta. James had a vision—for all employees to be able to participate, share and support their colleagues in their CSR activities and efforts. And combine it with a platform that allows WorkPac to capture, store, retrieve and communicate these efforts.

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They joined forces with Enablo—a dedicated Workplace from Meta partner and developed GiveBack to a minimum viable product, releasing it to pilot groups across the country.

The pilot was an overwhelming success. It was released company-wide and quickly became the core driver of our CSR activities and efforts. It also generates feedback like this:


Impact & results

  • Since 2018, 221 people have taken part in the GiveBack program (22% of total staff).
  • 811 CSR contributions have been captured across 42 locations.
  • Our cause-related storytelling has evolved, enabling us to further position ourselves as an employer of choice.
  • We can now effectively quantify our social and community contributions.
Total Staff
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Lower Staff

GiveBack has allowed us to effectively promote, capture and report on our CSR initiatives and bring collaboration, fun, recognition and growth to our activities.


Want to see the details?

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Download WorkPac’s Yearly GiveBack Achievements

2018 / 2019



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